Aesthetic dentistry deals with procedure to enhance the overall appearance of the teeth. The primary purpose of dental aesthetics is to keep the teeth aligned, improve their structure, and beautify their color and shape so that you can smile confidently.
how teeth are professionally deep cleaned? at best dental clinic in patna - Magadh oro dental
Dr. Archana Rani our Aesthetic dentist at Magadh Oro Dental employ treatments such as routine cleaning and polishing, Composite bonding, v root canal therapy, and tooth color restoration or bridges to make your teeth appear natural and healthy
Composite bonding or dental bonding, is single visit treatment involves the following steps:
1. Preparation
The dentist cleans the teeth and roughens their surface to help the resin adhere. In some cases, the dentist may need to remove a thin layer of enamel.
2. Application
The dentist applies the resin in layers, sculpting each layer by hand to create a natural smile. An adhesive glue is applied between each layer to keep it attached.
3. Curing
The dentist uses a special light to harden the resin layers.
4. Polishing
The dentist polishes the veneers to give them a natural, shiny, and smooth finish
Fractured tooth restoration in 30 minutes with composite bonding by Dr. Archana Rani at Magadh Oro Dental
Fractured tooth restoration in 30 minutes with composite bonding by Dr. Archana Rani at Magadh Oro Dental